Welcome to Daily Dose of Ginger!
Basically I started this blog because I needed a way to express my creative side while also compiling, and having an opportunity to expand on, the health and wellness knowledge I already have. I plan on making this blog a resource where people can ask questions about topics that I can then write a post about, and also a place to post about topical health, pharmacy, wellbeing, and personal matters. I have always loved blogging, and started blogging when I was in Transition Year (4th year in secondary school), where . I wrote about the different trips we went on, and projects we engaged with, and I really enjoyed it. It ended up bringing me to lots of exciting events, such as the Eircom Junior Spider Awards in Google HQ in Dublin, which was an amazing experience for me.
I am a 20 year old Pharmacy Student, from Kildare, Ireland. I’m passionate about education and knowing about what you put into your body and how your body works! How to prevent illness and injury as well as how to cure it, and why certain things work and others don’t, really interests me, so I’m going to channel that interest in the form of concise, informative and useful advice.
I’m not all nerd though I loooveee me some product reviews and trials and working in a pharmacy I get to see all the latest products from all the major brands, as well as from up and coming brands, in terms of cosmetics, vitamins, supplements, skincare and more.
Working with the public I have found that there are a lot of misconceptions and preconceptions about health, medicines, vitamins, supplements... and I just want to right those wrongs by shedding some light on the topic in as simple and interesting a way as possible. I’m not a qualified pharmacist (yet), but give advice to the general public about minor illnesses and ailments on a daily basis in the pharmacy, as I am off college for summer. I also know about some (but not yet all) prescription medicines and will discuss important and possibly topical ones on here, as every now and again a prescription drug will appear on the news, and I’m so glad I now have this platform to share my thoughts on what’s going on in the world of medicine . and healthcare.
I’ve always been into dance as a form of fitness and in the past year, I . have also gotten much more into going to the gym, so i’ll be logging that experience for all of you guys on here for those of you thinking of joining a gym or starting a new fitness regime. Starting your fitness journey is the hardest part, but it is such a worthwhile lifelong journey to embark on, and I want to log mine on here and also hear about your fitness journey.
At the age of 20 I am still very much growing as a person (and we all should continue to grow as people, regardless of what stage of life we are at) and want to share the highs and lows that life brings on here, in a very real and raw way. Learning how to do most things for myself and trying something new and failing... is all part of life, and all part of becoming a stronger person and the best version of yourself that you can be. I want to share my experiences on here because I feel that by sharing my own experiences and sharing what I would have done differently if I were to do it again, I could help others. Also by sharing success stories, we can inspire each other to try new things because you never know... you might just be on to a winner.
Stay tuned folks for some real, honest and hopefully motivational posts
Chat soon,
Ginger (Lauren)